Signing up for GEM Abacus Franchise is a great opportunity awaiting you.
Scope and Opportunity

Setting up and running a GEM Abacus centre is an excellent self-employment opportunity. The only condition is to do it right, with sincerity and diligence. It is suitable for homemakers, retirees, teachers, and educationists, who wish to manage their personal and professional life with a lot of comfort and flexibility. Running a GEM Abacus Centre gives you a double income opportunity, since you can work in one job over the weekdays and run an abacus centre over the weekend.

Full Time or Part Time
GEM Abacus program is designed for children in the 6 – 13 years age group. These students are school going and are generally open for non-school programs like Abacus, either on the weekends or in the evenings. Abacus program requires about two hours per week from every student. These hours are generally allocated over the weekend when the children are available or at times in the evenings of working days. Hence, the time requirement for running an abacus centre is generally concentrated over the weekends.
Women Empowerment

Low Investment – High Return.
Low Initial investment makes setting up a GEM Abacus centre even more attractive. Unlike any other business, the requirement of initial capital is miniscule. The gestation period too is surprisingly small. A good centre can recover its investment in about 3-6 months. This is very small when compared to any other options. The requirement of infrastructure is very reasonable. The abacus centre can be run from the convenience of your home as well as renting out a few classrooms at a play school nearby.