It is an abacus program which is designed to enhance the advanced Cognitive skills in children. This program is especially designed for the children whose age limit lies between 6 to 13 years old.
The qualitative assessment of a child’s progress at our program helps children to calculate faster than a calculator.
…It builds your child to be Faster, Smarter and Brighter than ever!
the essential skills of gem abacus are

Cognitive skills intensified by the GEM abacus program are the core skills that children use to read, listen, learn , remember, reason and concentrate. This constructs your child’s future and helps your child to compete with the ever-competitive world. Each of these cognitive skills plays a vital role in the learning process. Even if any of these skills is weak, no matter what kind of information comes your way, grasping, retaining or using that information is impacted. In reality most of the children grapple to learn because one or more cognitive skills are absent. GEM abacus uses a kinesthetic learning approach and revolves around arithmetic to help children come across the best in them.
The course structure refers to the choice and sequencing of course content. This choice of topics and their organization support the learning objectives for the course. Our exclusive curriculum, combined with great workbooks and learning tools enable teachers to create great learning experience along with desired results.

It is a platform that develops various skills and characteristics of a growing child, of age 6-13 by paying attention to their skill development, improving their brain power, logical reasoning, numerical ability and personality development.
In today’s digital smart era and internet driven world, the most acute problem faced is the lack of concentration of a child due to smart gadgets and online streaming platforms.
GEM Abacus program strives to distract a child from this monotonous habit by occupying them in a fun way to learn math.
WHY GEM Abacus ?
It is is a skill development program that can help in various aspects of your child’s development. GEM Abacus courses are designed to develop soft-skills, numerical abilities and overall intelligence.
Children in today’s smartphone-enabled world have just one problem – the constant distraction of stimuli from smartphones, streaming platforms, and other devices.
GEM Abacus program is tailored to engage your child productively, learning MATH in a fun way.
It makes your child 5 times better. To know how, click on Know more.

Need Help?
We are here to help.
If you want to enrol your child at any of our centre or want to join the GEM Abacus network as a Franchisee or Master Franchisee, please get in touch with us now.

About Us
GEM Abacus is an abacus based advanced cognitive skill enhancement program designed for children between ages 6 to 13 years.
Cognitive skills enhanced by GEM Abacus program are the core skills that a child uses to think, read, learn, remember, reason, and concentrate. Together, these give the child an advantage in the ever-competitive world. Each of these cognitive skills plays an important part in the learning process. That means if even one of these skills is weak, no matter what kind of information is coming your way, grasping, retaining, or using that information is impacted. In fact, most learning struggles are caused by one or more weak cognitive skills.
GEM Abacus uses a Kinesthetic learning approach and revolves around arithmetic to help children discover the best in them.
The qualitative assessment of a child’s progress at our program can be done by the fact that they are able to calculate faster than a Calculator.
.…..thus helping make your child Faster, Smarter & Brighter than ever!